Sunday, February 6, 2011

Escaping the blizzard

This week has been a long week. A not so draining week surprisingly... but long week. Papos is doing awesome. In fact he is much happier now to have a new pipi then to have infections like before. And we are happy for him too.
Since we had a little one in pain we did a lot of staying home this week. And although sometimes it was beautiful outside it was still a bit windy for us to go outside and enjoy it... So what happens when that happens... a lot of everything. My kiddos are not inside kids. They go CrAzY if they had to stay inside for a long time.. I don't know what we would do if it was crazy storm weather all the time. But when they get stuck inside... they get a bit "creative". And remember earlier I said my house is a bit random and you can find things all over the place...
Well.. Ama did.. And here is her contribution to this week.

She was in shock that I made a big deal about her drawing on the wall.. But decided to pose for the picture anyways.  And yes.. I did... make her try to wipe it down.. Cause since she is the first one to ever write on the wall with crayon.. not sure what to use.. but she tried :)
And since she is only almost 2 years old... she got distracted with trying to clean the wall that she decided well that the dvd player needed cleaning too.
And so did her doll.

And she forgot about cleaning.. that she's going to pick a book.. a chapter book to read to Santiago.  Looks like they both liked it.
And heck since she distracted her mama from thinking that she don't need to wash the walls anymore by being cute by reading to her brother... Might as well try to put her shoes on and try to head outside... Cause being inside makes her go crazy.
 And guess what.. she did...
But that means my walls are still..... 
On the positive side.. She can do great circles :)

PS.. Did I tell you that the Morales came over this weekend.  YES!  It was so pretty today.. That they came out to play!!  and eat and watch the game... And they loved it... even if they aren't smiling in the pics.. they still loved it :)


Tiff said...

Just started following from MBC! Love the blog and your super cute kiddos!!

Brandi said...

I too found you on MBC! Your little one is a lot like my little man! He wrote on the wall a week ago and then tried to clean it off with wipes!