1st. My brother Sammy and bro-in-law Brian are living in NYC! .. well.. really they've been there for a while..maybe a month.. but now they have an apartment and everything..
You see for those of you that don't know.. I have 2 brothers and .. well we live vicariously through them.. my sister and i... they travel, live in the greatest cities, and yet come to visit the crew when they can :)
My little bro Omar lives in San Francisco.. knows San francisco and can probably take us to amazing places in San Francisco.. and it's only like 1 1/2 hours to get there.. and yet.. we don't go.. not cause we don't want to just cause we don't have time to.. You know one of the cities that people all over the world go to visit is practically in my back yard...and my brother lives there.. and yet we don't go too often..
And now my brother and BIL are living in NYC. They've traveled and lived in Australia for over a year... and yet I couldn't and didn't visit them...
But now, now I'm thinking it's time.. time to go to SF.. have Omar take us to the Golden Gate Park.. to places where our hellakids can roam..
and NY is calling our name.. although I'm kind of thinking.. maybe take a trip with just the OG and us.. the 4 of us.. leave the babies.. and go... and then I think.. nah.. can't do that.. I can't just leave them..I'll miss them..
besides who would be crazy enough to take the two.. when we leave.. but oh the thought of NY... my bros... oh.. so nice. sweet. It will happen be ready for us SF & NYC and BROS!
And now my Ama is in full effect of potty training. Accidents happen. But she's in big girl mode. I didn't know how it was going to be with our schedule and training .. always on the go.. and then I remembered... and episode...from Jon and Kate.. plus all of their hellakids.. When they were training the babies.. and they had places to go, they took the toilet with them. Yes, I do realize I don't have that many kids to train, but man how convenient. I don't want to be stuck at a soccer/baseball game with no toilets around.. I'll just run to the car.. and bam.. pop out the toilet.. What.. What?? if they did it then why not..? So if you do see me in the car with Ama.. I'd say Hi from a distance :)
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