You see Papos was so excited to get to the beach after a wonderful boat ride and was ready to show us his swimming skills. So he asked his dad "can I swim out to that thing that is out in the water?" Next to that thing was a couple that were hugging each other.. Javi asked me.. "You think they are in their honeymoon?" I of course with knowing that they were accompanied by their hellafamily said "Nah.." They'll be ok.
So Papos and Sofi go out and swim to the thing... Not knowing what the thing was ( I thought it was a bag of chips that needed to be thrown away) THe kids were so excited and said look we reached it and swam back with a beautiful flower in their hand. At that time Teresa, Javi and I noticed that the couple had their camera out as well as all of their family and were doing some symbolic throw the flower in the ocean and symbolizing our love type of thing. OMG I almost wanted to sink in the sand.. All I could hear were the kids so excited that they got a pretty flower. The couple looking at the kids like what the hell ya doing. Javi saying see I told you they were on a honeymoon and Teresa saying.. you just crushed their And i .. and I .. Couldn't stop Laughing. sorry. I did. I just couldn't.
So Sofi knowing what they did said.. Opps and ran back to the water to throw the flower back in.. didn't go far.. landed splat in the water.. Not as pretty as it was before flowing in the waves... now it was just splashing around.
ALthough I would say that was a great symbolism of their love.. ups and down.. gonna and downs and then ups again..
Lets just say though.. you've all been warned.. Don't run around with your romantic ideas when the hellakids are around... :)
Sofi and Papos.. after their experience...
Love your blog Cele! This one was hecka funny!
Oh no!! Hilarious! That beach looks amazing!
Found you through Mom Bloggers, pop over to bigwords if you ever get a chance x
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